Occult - Of, relating to, or dealing with supernatural influences, agencies, or phenomena

Thursday 30 October 2008

Return To The Creepy Canyon

Some 3 years ago I first visited the South Platte river canyon with Crystal, John and Gary, I thought this was the 3rd anniversary but having checked on this blog it was actually not it was on the 25th October 2005.  There is an entry about it earlier in this blog.

The place has always had a special resonance with me and have always had good if odd feelings from the place.  I am very attuned whenever I go to this canyon.  It’s a strange place full of elementals and the like


As you can see this visit was during the afternoon and early evening and by the time we reached the South Platte hotel, a favourite spot of mine in the canyon it was well and truly dark. I've left the pictures untouched for now as you can see the orbs properly, please note that these pictures are taken out of a moving car, with the window wound down, so none of the orbs you can see are reflected from the glass of the window or windshield. As ever it had a temporal rift in it's make up where it took an hour to go ten minutes up the canyon. I would love to know why but it's an interesting anomaly. It was nice to go back, even though there were no signs of my guide, or come to that his cigarette stealing or even a feeling from him. Although I did feel we were observed in the canyon there was no visible signs, it was just a feeling

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